Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wrist pain? Try Some Simple Treatments

Carpal Tunnel Treatments:

The symptoms of carpal tunnel (CT) include weakness, wrist pain, numbness and often times stiff finger joints. Many people deal with these symptoms on a daily basis and many times these symptoms become worse during the night.

Most people know that there is pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome but do not understand how this condition occurs. Usually carpal tunnel symptoms show up if the wrist becomes injured by repetitive strain from various tasks that we all do everyday. This occurs because the median nerve going through the wrist, which is the nerve responsible for transmitting feeling to the wrist and hands, becomes compressed and irritated. This is when you get the various levels of pain, soreness and discomfort experienced by carpal tunnel patients. Some of the treatments that are very effective and discussed below are, ice therapy, joint support gloves, massage and anti-inflammatory medications.

Carpal Massage

People who suffer from the symptoms mentioned above will find that a gentle massage concentrated at the base of the wrist is quite effective in relieving pain in this area. You should have someone do this for you as you need two hands to be effective.  If the massage is done 2-3 weeks every week, significant relief will be noticed.


One of the best home treatments you can do to get immediate relief is the use of an ice pack. Applying one to the inside of the wrist area for up to 10 minutes can effectively bring relief for up to 2 hours. Ice has the effect of calming the inflammation which reduces the swelling which then has the effect of relieving the compression on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel.

Joint Support Gloves

Joint support gloves which provide a very gentle compression are very beneficial to those suffering from the pain and swelling associated with carpal tunnel. These gloves encase the wrist in a soft but firm enclosure that traps the body heat given off bt the wearer which helps to relieve joint and muscle pain. Some gloves on the market will have a bead like padding inside to facilitate a massaging type feel. There are many styles to choose from and every price range available to fit your budget. These are highly recommended if you are have problems getting to sleep or waking up due to wrist pain in the middle of the night.


Another home treatment you can do for CT is too start a regimen of anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Quite often relief from CT can be found by a combination of medication and one or more of the treatments mentioned above. You should however consult a physician before starting any medication taken for carpal tunnel.

As I have mentioned in other articles on this subject, surgery should be your last option. Most people find relief with home treatments and if you want to take the home treatment option further, then go to my website for more information on a product called "All Natural Carpal Tunnel Treatments".
My name is Allan Stewart and I have several websites dedicated to health and well being for people and pets. Want to learn more about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, go to: Wrist tendonitis Or visit my website at Carpal Tunnel Relief for more facts about carpal tunnel. Also see my other articles on Sugar Gliders: Stages Of A Sugar Glider Diet

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