Thursday, September 22, 2011

Carpal Tunnel Exercises

5 Basic Exercises for Carpal Tunnel

Even though carpal tunnel is a nerve condition that is very painful and brought on by overuse and repetition of motions, certain exercises can and do help. That would seem counter intuitive seeing as how you would want to not move your arm or wrist to prevent further damage that doing exercises might induce. But, trying the 5 exercises listed below will help your condition if done carefully and gently. Always see a doctor if your symptoms persist.

    1. First warm up! Start by holding your arms straight out from your body with the palms facing down. Flex your wrist upwards so your fingers are pointing straight up and hold this position for 10 seconds. Next, release and let your fingers point straight down in a relaxed motion. Next, while still with your arms extended, make a fist with both hands and squeeze tightly then flex your wrists down and hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Now, lower your arms down to your sides and shake your hands gently. You will want to repeat this for 10 time’s total.

    2. Next up is the nerve gliding finger exercises where you start with the hands extended the fingers straight and level with your wrists. Now curl your fingers down to the ground so as to be perpendicular with the ground then straighten them again. Do this ten times.

    3. In the nerve gliding thumb exercise make a fist then straighten your fingers and thumb. Now flex back your wrist and try to move your thumb as far back and away from your palm. After holding this position for 5 seconds flip over your wrists so that the palms are face up. Reach over with your other hand and take hold of your thumb and carefully stretch it away from the palm. Hold this position for 5 seconds then repeat for 5 more times to complete.

    4. The next exercise recommended is the shoulder exercise. This exercise can be done sitting or standing up. To start, begin with your shoulders in a neutral and relaxed position. Lift shoulders up and roll them back then down, forward and finally up after which you return to the neutral position. Complete 5 cycles to finish this exercise.

    5. Doing a neck exercise will keep your neck tension free as well as help to keep your shoulders loose which will aid in your CT pain. Either standing or sitting, let your head fall gently forward by it's own weight. Now roll it over to the left shoulder then back. Make sure to allow your jaw to relax. Now roll your head to the right shoulder then to a forward position and then back up where you started. Repeat this sequence 5 times to complete.

One Final Thought:

When done on a regular basis these exercises are powerful treatments for CT. Do not overdo or strain too hard when doing these so as to not aggravate your condition. Remember, these are gentle exercises.
My name is Allan Stewart and I have several websites dedicated to health and well being for people and pets. Want to learn more about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, go to: exercises for carpal tunnel Or visit my website at Carpal Tunnel Relief for more facts about carpal tunnel. Also see my other articles on Victorinox Products: Who Is Victorinox

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