Thursday, September 22, 2011

Need a Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Pain?

Give These Remedies a Try!

The pain associated with carpal tunnel leads to certain things that you are recommended to do such as applying a cold compress to the affected area, being told to not use the wrist if at all possible and having to take anti-inflammatory medicine. These 3 things are a very common list of things that people have recommended to them.

However, following these recommendations can be very difficult even though they sound rather easy to do. Anti-inflammatory medication can prevent you from doing very mundane daily chores such as driving or operating equipment. You also are required to avoid repetitive tasks using your hand and wrist for such things as typing or other tasks which can impact your routines at work or home.

Below are some very easy to do home remedies for treating carpal tunnel pain that  show promising signs of alleviating the pain and swelling and other symptoms that  may also occur when you have a flair up. The good news is that you can implement these very easily into your daily routine and not miss a beat.

Carpal Tunnel Pain Solutions

    1. One of the main causes of the pain from carpal tunnel is from the swelling it creates. Adding some different foods to your diet can greatly help in dealing with this problem. Dietary enzymes supplements added to your daily routine that contain Bromelain will help you get relief from the swelling as well. Some foods you can add to your diet such as pineapple, papaya and kiwi fruit are very high in Bromelain and can be easily obtained and eaten without disrupting your daily caloric intake or any other dietary restrictions you might be on.

    2. Another great and promising way to reduce swelling and reduce the pain from carpal tunnel is to take vitamin C. It has been shown to reduce swelling and rejuvenating health to damaged tissues.

    3. A technique that also works very well is doing a massage. Doing this for the wrist, hand and arm can greatly help the pain and swelling to these effected areas. To help with this method, use a good herbal massage oil which will enhance the effect and make it easier to do.

    4. To help increase the flow of blood throughout your body which will help to heal the affected areas by doing some yoga exercises. This can greatly ease your symptoms all by itself.

    5. And finally, soaking your wrist in hot water that has some Epsom salts in it for 3 minutes. Try to make the water as hot as you can stand for best results. After the hot soak, you will then need to soak the wrist in some cold water for 30 seconds. Doing this sequence of soakings will greatly help with your carpal tunnel pain.
To conclude, there are many home treatments you can apply that don't cost much and are very effective.
My name is Allan Stewart and I have several websites dedicated to health and well being for people and pets. Want to learn more about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, go to: Pain in thumb Or visit my website at Carpal Tunnel Relief for more facts about carpal tunnel. Also see my other articles on Carpal Tunnel: Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

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