Monday, October 3, 2011

Understanding Causes To Better Cure Acne

Curing Acne Skin

Treating acne can be a complex diagnosis so understanding the root cause or causes is needed to get it right. These causes are both internal and external conditions and addressing both will go a long way to curing your acne skin by determining the appropriate treatment. Getting the advice from a doctor to help you will go a long way to controlling or curing your acne if you have a severe condition.

Acne External Factors

First off, the easiest starting point for this evaluation is the external factors. For example, stop using any skin care products that are irritating your skin condition. These just make matters worse. The negative thing here is that you won't know which products are causing a problem until you try them.

Another main concern and a serious external factor are being in the sun. Try to limit your exposure to the sun as this will cause skin damage and aggravate the acne condition. If you are serious about curing your acne, limit the amount of time you are in the sun and apply a sunscreen at all times using a level that blocks completely.

The third factor to consider is how you wash or clean your skin. It is very important to wash your skin with soap and warm water everyday but do limit it to no more than 2 times a day. Washing you face just once a day is the normal recommendation, but if you have very oily skin than washing it 2 times a day is ok. Also, do not pick at or squeeze the acne as this has the effect of pushing the bacteria deeper into your skin and also further irritates it.

Acne Internal Factors

Having looked at the external factors to acne let's now look at some of the internal factors that cause acne so that you can begin to cure your acne condition. The very first thing to look at is a bacterium called the P. Acnes. This bacterium lives on our skin and is the leading causes of acne. The bacteria attract white blood cells into an area and produce an enzyme that causes redness and inflammation. So, by treating for these bacteria you can reduce the inflammation that causes acne.

Another internal factor is a material called sebum. This fills up your hair follicles and gives your skin an oily appearance on the surface. Sebum has the function in our skin of making it waterproof and also carries dead skin cells to the surface or exterior of the skin. During this process, some hair follicles will become plugged or obstructed which traps the sebum causing a blemish and acne.

And the last internal factor to look at is really a wild card because it relies on a person’s genetics. This is a factor when a person’s skin thickness comes into play, the oiliness of their skin and hormonal levels in their body. These conditions can make acne a certainty for some and non existent for others.

My name is Allan Stewart and I have several websites dedicated to health and well being for people and pets as well as product information. Want to learn more about Natural Acne Solutions, go to: How is acne caused Or visit my website at Natural Solutions to Acne for more information about curing your acne naturally. Also see my other article for an Online Business: Starting Out In Affiliate Marketing

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