Monday, October 3, 2011

How To Cure Acne And Compliment Dry Skin

Cure Acne

Many people who use products to combat acne find that when the condition is vanquished they are left with the condition of flaky and dry skin. There is no reason to put up with this condition as there are numerous treatments available. You can maintain healthy soft smooth skin while doing your acne treatments. It’s a matter of avoiding harsh chemicals and treating your skin from within and from the outside.

Acne and Your Skin

The first thing you need to do to keep your skin soft and smooth is to drink a lot of water. As you probably know, drinking water is vital to cleaning out your system by cleansing the body of toxins and waste out of the skin cells and the blood stream. You should drink about 8 glasses of water a day to help maintain healthy skin. Having a well hydrated body helps not just with your skin but your whole body system. This first step is crucial to achieving an acne free skin. 

Drinking water does a couple of things that are very beneficial to your skin. First, as mentioned above it removes toxins from the body. This will have the effect of preventing your pores from clogging up which in turn reduces the acne problem by helping to clear up your blemishes. The other positive effect is that drinking water will hydrate your skin and prevent it from drying out. This also goes a long way in preventing your pores from clogging up.

Another way to prevent dry skin while doing your acne regimen is use a skin cleanser that is specifically made for your skin condition. An example of this is using a foamy cleanser for oily skin conditions that is usually recommended by doctors. Although there is no one cleanser that will work for everyone make sure that whatever you use that it does not have harsh chemicals in it like peroxide. This one step will go a long way to keeping your skin in good condition.

An ingredient that is crucial to maintaining healthy skin and helping to cure your acne is a moisturizing cream. Dermatologists do recommend using lots of moisturizer to help maintain your skin and will not aggravate your acne condition. Lotions and creams can be greasy and will worsen your skin condition. So try to stick to a gel product as gels are non-comedogenic and will not clog up your pores and are not greasy.

There are so many treatments out there that contain harsh chemicals that will dry out your skin. You may just want to stop using a product or products for a little while. If you can't seem to find a product that works for whatever reason then you might want to seek out the advice of a dermatologist to help you find the right product. Just remember that your skin can become irritated by overusing medication. No one person is going to have the same skin type so a trial and error time will be needed to find the right products.

My name is Allan Stewart and I have several websites dedicated to health and well being for people and pets as well as product information. Want to learn more about Natural Acne Solutions, go to: Home cure for acne Or visit my website at Natural Solutions to Acne for more information about curing your acne naturally. Also see my other articles on Dakine Backpacks: Dakine Mission Backpack

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